

The Governing Body of St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College consists of eleven foundation members representing the Diocese of Westminster - the Trustee of the college - one parent member, two staff members, two student members, two co-opted members and the Principal.

The Governing Body has responsibility for:

·         Determining the educational character and mission of St Charles as a Catholic sixth form college and for the oversight of its activities.

·         The effective use of the College's resources, the solvency of the College and for the safeguarding of its assets.

·         Approving annual estimates of income and expenditure, and for monitoring budget performance.

·         The appointment, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of the Principal, Vice-Principal (senior post-holders) and the Clerk.

·         Setting the framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff.

·         Approving the quality strategy of the College

·         Determining the policy for the admission of students

In order to discharge its duties, the Governing Body meets four times a year. Additionally, members of the Governing Body serve on the Appraisal & Pay and Personnel Committee, the Finance and Premises Committee, the Audit and Risk Committee and the Quality & Standards and Catholicity Committee.